Highest active freekick goal scorer on earth

 Congrass Leo Messi (57 goals) for becoming the highest active freekick goal scorer on earth surpassing Cristiano Ronaldo (56)!

Leo Messi was not considered as a good freekick taker back in La Masia. Even in his earlier days in FC Barcelona, Xavi was the first choice freekick taker in time ,

, Thank you Diego  Maradona,

Diego Maradona coming, He took him by the shoulder and said: 'Leo, little Leo, come here, . Let's try it again.' It was like a teacher with his pupil," Maradona’s assistant, Fernando Signorini, was quoted as telling La Nacion by Goal & GOAL.

"He continued & continued  'Put the ball here and listen to me very carefully: do not take your foot away from the ball so fast , otherwise it won't know what you want To do.'  then he stroked the ball with his left foot straight into the angle of the goalpost, with Messi's face full of admiration."

And, Thank you Diego  Maradona,
